7 Moments Stray Kids’ Bang Chan Gave Off Serious Boyfriend Vibes In His New Australia Vlog

Stray Kids’ Bang Chan recently shared a vlog of the time he spent in Australia visiting his family on vacation! During the 20-minute video, Bang Chan gives fans a look into his life while he was at home and gave off some serious boyfriend vibes in the process.

Here are 7 moments Bang Chan gave off serious boyfriend vibes!

1. Starting off strong with a cozy good morning.

What could be better than sleepy, barefaced, comfy Bang Chan!

2. Seeing his naturally curly hair.

STAYs are huge fans of Bang Chan’s naturally curly hair, which is usually styled straight. During this part of the vlog, Bang Chan has just woken up, the reason why his hair is in its natural state!

3. Barefaced And Acting Silly

While sitting outside, Bang Chan has a fire going and is breaking pieces of an old chair to throw in. It seems like he can’t resist acting a bit silly as he does so.

4. Talking about the night sky, then trying to show it to STAYs.

Bang Chan has to know how romantic that is!

5. It’s almost like he’s telling you a story on a video call.

During this part of the video, Bang Chan was explaining Hyunjin‘s freshly dyed red hair was the reason the seat was stained.

6. Cute Moments With His Dog, Berry

Nothing is cuter than a man that loves his dog.

7. Saying Bye With Close Up Shots

As Bang Chan prepared for his flight back to Korea, he got up close and personal with the camera showing off his pretty eyes!

Check out the full vlog below!

source https://www.koreaboo.com/lists/7-moments-stray-kids-bang-chan-gave-off-boyfriend-vibes-in-new-australia-vlog/
